Exploitation Recovery and Reintegration


Exploitation Recovery and Reintegration

Cambodia is a source, transit and destination country for human trafficking. Every year, thousands of men, women and children are sold by organized crime syndicates in Karaoke bars, massage parlours, street vendors, brick factories and brothels. Parents turn in children, neighbours prey on neighbours, and couples cannot trust one another. Domestic violence and gang crimes also occur at alarming rates, causing a widespread prevalence of emotional trauma, physical impairments and suicidal tendencies.

This Recovery and Reintegration program is a safe house for survivors of extreme human rights abuse, particularly human trafficking, gender-based violence and sexual exploitation. It provides support and compassion during the initial recovery phase before helping victims to reintegrate back into family and community life.

Key Areas of Expenditure:

  • Accommodation, emergency foster care, counselling, case management and legal advice
  • Health services
  • Early Learning centre
  • Free catch-up education support and financial assistance with school reintegration
  • Career Pathways program
  • Work Readiness training for women in prison
  • Disability rehabilitation program
  • Follow-up reintegration support
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